"If you don’t start a Marathon you’ll never know if you can finish. But a race has a finish line and forever doesn’t, and how will you ever know if you’ll get there? You can’t know, not for certain. All you can do is to run the race. All you can do is the run the race and love every minute of it and do everything you can to push that finish line so far away you can’t ever see it, never get there, and you have to work, keep fit, listening to your body and your heart so that you can go on running, walking, whatever it takes."
今天在上海參加一位同學的婚禮。神父說:“有人問:你如何才知道自己已經找到 the one and only 呢?如何知道他/她就是對的那個人? 然而,是否找到那個 the one and only 其實並不重要。 太多人在熱戀中覺得自己已經找到 the one and only,後來卻忘記了,反悔了。曾經相信,卻不再相信。 其實,the one and only不但是要在茫茫人海中相認,還要在生活中以行動實踐,the one and only is not to be found, but you make it happen, you make your partner the one and only through your actions, through your trust and love!”
P.S. 這是我用 "Forever" search 出來的圖片。到底,永遠是什麽?永遠幾遠?
